
发布日期:2024-08-16 10:13    点击次数:200



Imagine an 87-year-old individual becoming an electronic sports (eSports) manager for the popular video game, League of Legends. Sounds impossible, right? However, this became a reality for one South Korean man who was determined to prove that age is simply a number and that anyone can achieve their dreams, regardless of age or experience.

The Rise of eSports

eSports is a rapidly growing industry, with millions of players and fans worldwide. The industry is set to generate billions in revenue, and as a result, many companies are investing in eSports teams, competitions, and sponsorships. The industry attracted players and spectators from all ages, genders, and backgrounds, making it a truly inclusive and diverse community.

The Inspiration Behind The New Venture

The hero of our story, 87-year-old South Korean eSports manager, was inspired by his grandson, who was a League of Legends player. The man learned all about the game, its rules and strategies, and he dabbled in playing it himself. He grew very passionate about the game and even saw its potential as a professional sport. He finally decided to start his own team and become an eSports manager.

The Challenges He Faced

Being 87 years old, the man had no prior experience in managing a League of Legends team. However, this did not deter him from pursuing his dream. He used his business acumen and networking skills to recruit players and secure sponsorships. He also learned as much as he could about the game and its industry. Although he faced some skepticism from other eSports professionals due to his age, his passion for the game, and his determination helped him overcome these challenges.

The Success of the New Venture

After months of hard work and dedication, the 87-year-old electronic sports manager finally succeeded in building a competitive League of Legends team. They competed in various national and international tournaments and received recognition from the eSports community. Additionally, they inspired many older individuals to follow their dreams and pursue their passions, no matter their age or experience. Through his venture, the man proved that age is just a number and that anything is possible with hard work and dedication.


The story of the 87-year-old electronic sports manager demonstrates the immense potential that eSports has as a growing industry. It shows that age and experience are not barriers to success, and anyone can achieve their dreams with hard work, perseverance, and a passion for their craft. It is essential to embrace diversity and inclusivity in the eSports community, which makes it more accessible and exciting for everyone. Who knows, maybe you too can join the ranks of this exciting and growing industry, regardless of your age or experience.

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